About STC
STC serves Chemung, Schuyler, and Steuben counties, and works with the local governments, economic and community development organizations, human services agencies, and nonprofits within them to identify issues and provide solutions.
Based out of Corning, NY, STC provides technical assistance to municipalities across its three-county region and brings in millions of dollars to support region-wide development. STC is a Local Development District (LDD) and an Economic Development District, enabling STC to access special funding to better support our communities. STC bridges local, regional, State, and Federal governments to promote collaboration and innovation in and around our region.
Jack Wheeler
Steuben County Manager
Vice Chair
Shawn Rosno
Schuyler County Administrator
Jennifer Furman
Chemung Deputy County Executive
Aaron Dowd
Chemung County IT Director
Kelly Fitzpatrick
Steuben County Legislature Chair
Carl Blowers
Schuyler County Legislature Chair
John Buckley
Mayor of the City of Hornell (represented by Heather Reynolds)
Marie Myers Shearing
Steuben County Planning Director
Joann Lindstrom
Schuyler County Planning Director
Kevin Meindl
Chemung County Planning / ECTC Director
Jenn Miller
City of Corning Planning Director
James Ryan
Mayor of the Village of Montour Falls
Kyle Sullivan
City of Elmira Building & Grounds Director
Anita Lewis
Minority Rep.
Chad Hendrickson
Environmental Rep.
Ernest Hartman
Labor Rep.
Tom Hauryski
Agricultural Rep.
Judith Rowe
Small Business Rep.
James Johnson
Steuben County IDA, Commerce & Business Rep.
Joseph Roman
Chemung County IDA, Industrial Rep.
James Kuhl
Steuben County Legislature
Robert Nichols
Steuben County Legislature
Mark Rondinaro
Schuyler County Legislature
Judy McKinney Cherry
Steuben County Member At-Large
G. Thomas Tranter
Chemung County Member At-Large
Responsible for acting for the Board between regular Board meetings. Authority is limited to that granted by the Board, including (unless otherwise specified) carrying out Board policies, reviewing personnel issues and changes, taking action on monthly financial statements and vouchers, and executing contracts.
Represented by the Board Chair and Vice Chair, Regional Low Income/Minority Representative, and one additional voting representative from each county.
Responsible for reviewing, signing, and recommending approval of all financial claims and vouchers to the Board, and reviewing annual or other audit reports submitted to or prepared by STC.
Represented by a Chair, Vice Chair, and Board appointments.
Responsible for providing advice and assistance in preparation of STC’s annual fiscal budget; reviewing and recommending any subsequent changes, amendments, or additions to the annual budget; and, reviewing and recommending any amendments, changes, or additions to the Personnel Policies previously adopted by the Board.
Represented by a Chair, Vice Chair, and Board appointments.
Responsible for reviewing STC’s By-Laws (last updated in 2008); offering and presenting recommended revisions to the Board; working with STC’s attorney to ensure the by-laws (1) make sense, (2) meet federal requirements as established by EDA and ARC, and (3) equally represent all three counties in STC’s region; managing adoption of updated by-laws by the Board.
Represented by a Chair, Vice Chair, and one additional representative from each county.
Responsible for serving in an advisory capacity to the Board on matters dealing with human services; serving as a clearinghouse and review structure for human service activities and proposals affecting the three individual counties and the region as a whole; reviewing consultants’ and staff findings and recommendations, working toward an integrated regional human service delivery system; reviewing and making recommendations regarding staff activities; reviewing and rating applications for ARC funding, preparing a priority list for proposed human services projects to be consolidated with the list developed by the Board’s Economic Development Policy & Strategy Committee for proposed economic development projects.
Represented by a Chair, one Board member from each county, and three representatives from each of the County Human Services Committees (selected by each respective County Human Services Committee)
Responsible for assisting in needs assessment, utilizing the results of surveys and all other pertinent data made available to the Committee; assisting in the coordination of human services planning and priority setting; reviewing and commenting on human services proposals affecting the County; acting as a human services resource and advisor to STC through STC Staff and the Regional Human Services Committee; acting as a human services information clearinghouse, participating in the gathering and dissemination of information among county government, agencies, and the public to assist in meeting human service needs.
Represented by a Chair from each county and members from each county. Representatives can be seen on page 8 of the full Committee Roster Document.
Responsible for providing technical input on all matters relating to economic development; reviewing and establishing priorities for all EDA and ARC projects and assisting in assembly of appropriate project packages; assisting in the review and establishment of priorities on other economic development project applications which involve STC; formulating appropriate work program activities for all economic development programs where STC receives administrative grants; aiding in the review of major economic proposals submitted to STC under the Intergovernmental Review (IGOR) process; providing input into and review of the Region’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) and other such economic development policy documents developed by STC or submitted to STC to review; developing, revising, or monitoring the CEDS on an ongoing basis; providing an exchange of information to ensure that the Board is acquainted with related economic activity programs, activities, and projects within the Region.
Represented by a Chair, Vice Chair, public officials, community leaders, and representatives of workforce development boards, minority and labor groups, and private individuals. Representatives can be seen on pages 9-10 of the full Committee Roster Document.
Responsible for providing policy and program guidance in the areas of community development, local government assistance, and leadership training; monitoring and prioritizing regional issues and trends, and assisting with the development of training opportunities for local government officials, including the annual Regional Leadership Conference.
Represented by a Board appointment and group of committee members.
Represented by a Board appointment or STC staff.
Represented by a Board appointment or STC staff.
Represented by a Board appointment or STC staff.
BACPAC Subcommittee
Represented by a Board appointment or STC staff.
Represented by a Board appointment or STC staff.
STC’s Board of Directors meet monthly